Kam's Queerfic Pantry

Book Reviews - Queerfic (lesbian, bisexual, and LGBTQIA) Books

Lucky 7 - YOU need it.

lucky 7 rae d magdon lesfic queerfic

Lucky 7

By Rae D. Magdon


It’s everything you want and more


Let’s be clear from the start. I am sold. Lucky7 might be Rae D. Madgon best work so far. If I should read only one queerbook until the end of time. It would be a serious contestant.


Luck7 is a futuristic dystopian cyberpunk adventure with a dash of romantic intrigue. In other words, the word is fuck up, technology is super advance and ethically ambiguous, some group of misfit is on a quest against an evil corporation and while some background romance might occur the focus is on kicking evil folks ass rather than kicking kinky arse. If you are not rushing to buy after reading this I don’t know how to convince you! (But I’ll ‘til my dying breath)


You know me, it is hard to make me read a book written in the first person. Something just doesn’t click with me personally.


Lucky7 is written in first person point of view.

And I LOVED it.


Rae D. Magdon chose really well by using the first person point of view. It really supports the fast pace action and let the reader get *gaming* feels as if they were the in an FPS (First Person Shooter). Some Sc-Fci fans might find the world building a little light, but in my opinion, it was just perfect. Having more world description or information would not have served the plot and would just have made the novel more heavy and less epic. Plus I had an inside source confirming to me that… a sequel is very possible… so world building lover everything come to those who wait. Plus if you are somewhat clever as a reader, it’s a dystopia, doesn’t take much to extrapolate that the world has gone to shit because of greed and white man capitalist.


Did I say it’s queer?

Like the queerest!

Queer Queer Queer



So much of the queer spectrum get SIGNIFICANT representation and it’s epic. I mean there is a lesbian, a bisexual, a trans woman, an asexual man, and an enbie (NB) character. All of whom are multi-dimensional characters with qualities and flaws. Diversity does NOT stop there. Some characters are latinxs, other are slavics, and the diversity goes one with religion and body type. To sum it up. It’s something every author should do. The world is a melting pot and it’s beautiful.


Buy the shit out of this book. Buy one for you, one for your friend, one for your local library. If you can spare the money but it without moderation. If you can’t spare the money request to every public library you can ( if it is safe for you to do so).


Cheers, and loves folks!

See you next review!


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Read 20 best dystopian books that you should read in 2020, 20 dystopian stories and books by great authors of dystopia.
Your list lack Lucky7, but nice try little bot.